
Configure npm registry options. For information about installing Node Package Modules, see [Scripting Mode Commands](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/087Rel ease_2.6/200CLI_Reference_Guide/Exec_Commands/Scripting_Mode_Commands).


Use to configure options for the F5® LineRate Scripting npm, which is a package manager similar to the one provided for the Node.js platform.

The registry option lets you create one or more custom registries from which you can install Node Packaged Modules. If the registry requires secure access, you can attach a certificate to the registry.

Note: If you enable a PointTM Load Balancer license, you can configure npm registries, but any configured scripts will not run. If you later upgrade to a PrecisionTM Load Balancer license, all configured scripts with valid source and admin status set to online will start.


reg_name: Name of registry.

Data Key

The data key must match the name of the registry.

Note: When the default key is set to true, it means the object is set to its default. In this case, the system works as follows:

  • On a PUT operation, the system ignores the data key. (Applicable only to /config nodes.)
  • On a GET operation, the response only contains “default”: True and does not contain the data key.
  • If the object has a base, it inherits its setting from its base.

See [Setting Objects to Their Default](https://docs.lineratesystems.com/087Rel ease_2.6/250REST_API_Reference_Guide/000Getting_Started_with_the_REST_API/300U nderstanding_the_REST_Hierarchy#Setting_Objects_to_Their_Default_(Default_Key) ).

Data Type


Default Data Value


An object uses the default data value when one of the following is true:

  • For objects without bases–When the object’s default key is true.
  • For objects with bases–When the object’s default key is true, and when the default key is true for all of the object’s bases.

Default Allowed


Request Methods




curl -b cookie.jar -k

GET Response

{"httpResponseCode": 404,
 "internalResponseCode": 101,
 "message": "Request failed: Unable to retrieve data from controller\n  Path: /config/npm/registry/name\n  ResponseCode: 101 (Path not found)\n",
 "recurse": False,
 "requestPath": "/config/npm/registry/name"}

GET (list children)

curl -b cookie.jar -k

GET Response

{"httpResponseCode": 404,
 "internalResponseCode": 101,
 "message": "Request failed: Unable to retrieve data from controller\n  Path: /config/npm/registry/name\n  ResponseCode: 101 (Path not found)\n",
 "recurse": False,
 "requestPath": "/config/npm/registry/name"}

GET (recursively list children)

curl -b cookie.jar -k


curl -b cookie.jar –data @data.json -k -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST

POST Response

{"httpResponseCode": 200,
  "requestPath": "/config/npm/registry/name",
  1. /config/npm/registry/<reg_name/> 1. Parameters 2. Data Key
    1. Data Type
    2. Default Data Value 3. Default Allowed 4. Request Methods 5. Related 6. Examples